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medium pets

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medium pets


Medium: 7 ¼ x 6 ¾
Peanut Butter + Jelly. Turkey + Swiss. Ham + Cheese. Hummus + Cucumber. Whatever your favorite, this is your sandwich bag. The Medium has a nice flat edge, perfect for keeping together whatever you choose to put between two slices of bread (or a pita or a bagel or…). It’ll keep your lunch incredibly fresh and wipes clean easily with the swipe of a cloth (yes, even sticky PB&J – it really doesn’t get stuck in the corners, pinkie swear)

+ Our other favorite uses for the Medium include: golf tees + balls, crayons + art supplies, baseball cards, cell phones + MP3 players, jewelry, make-up + sunscreen, toys + games. Plus larger snacks like grapes, orange slices, trail mix, giant pretzels, muffins + pastries (that’s a snack, right?), carrots + celery.

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